About me

I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Melbourne, Australia. My research interests lie in transfer learning of foundation models. I am particularly passionate about developing algorithms that align pre-trained foundation models (such as vision-language models and large language models) to downstream tasks with natural shifts. I am fortunate to be advised by Dr. Feng Liu, A/Prof. Sarah Erfani, and Prof. James Bailey.

Research Interests

  • Transfer learning
  • Foundation models
  • Vision-language models
  • Large language models
  • Algorithm development for natural shifts in downstream tasks


  • Master in Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Ph.D. in Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne, Australia


Feel free to reach out to me via email at Email or connect with me on LinkedIn.


I would like to acknowledge the support and guidance of my advisors, and the collaborative environment provided by the University of Melbourne.